Fireflies Wellness Events
Blending continuing education and community service; CEs for LMTs

Advanced Massage Team Techniques - 4 CEs

Advanced Massage Team Techniques     4 CEs for LMTs,                     RNs welcome and appreciated!

Sunday, September 20, 2020 (4 Hr shift between 11am - 7pm)

Participants who have already completed the 6 CE Massage Team Techniques are invited to return to learn more sports massage movements, especially for hip flexors, shins, and feet.  The techniques will address body areas stressed by endurance cycling.  The participants will be coached to fine tune their body mechanics.

Location: Rocky's Bicycle Shop, Rt 414, Monroeton, PA


4 CEs  - FREE


(NCBTMB Approved Provider # 451913-12)

This CE seminar is approved by NCBTMB and is also an approved New York CE Sponsored course. Although the seminar will be held in Pennsylvania, New York LMTs can participate because, while in the class, they are considered students.  (New York CE classes are open only to NYS licensed LMTs, but Pennsylvania’s Massage Board allows any person licensed in any other state to attend Pennsylvania Continuing Education programs.)

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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