Fireflies Wellness Events
Blending continuing education and community service; CEs for LMTs

Massage Team Techniques - 6 CEs for LMTs (Tour de Shunk)

Remember the fun you had doing group massage in massage school?

Join the Tour de Shunk Massage Team!

NCBTMB approved CE Course for Massage Therapists - 6 CEs 

RNs are welcome and encouraged, but CEs are not available at this time.  

Massage Team Techniques for Post-Athletic Recovery

Sunday, September  20, 2020   12:30 pm- 6:30 pm (time may be adjusted closer to the date)

Rocky's Bicycle Shop, Rt 414, Monroeton, PA 

During the first 3 hours of this workshop, participants will learn a specific massage routine designed for cyclists in an endurance event and become familiar with the general organization of a massage team.  During the second 3 hours, the massage team members will provide free post-activity massages to cyclists in the Tour de Shunk.  The massage routine is a 4-hand, choreographed massage/ assisted stretch designed to decrease Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness and promote relaxation; techniques can be adapted for your individual practice.

Proceeds from the ride will be split between the ThinkBIG fund for pediatric cancer patients who travel to Geisinger for treatment, and the Big Brothers-Big Sisters of Bradford/Sullivan/Tioga.




                        (NCBTMB Approved Provider # 451913-12)

This CE seminar is approved by NCBTMB and is also an approved New York CE Sponsored course. Although the seminar will be held in Pennsylvania, New York LMTs can participate because, while in the class, they are considered students.  (New York CE classes are open only to NYS licensed LMTs, but Pennsylvania’s Massage Board allows any person licensed in any other state to attend Pennsylvania Continuing Education programs.)


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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